Support the Open Letter

On this website you can support the Open Letter “Open Science should provide support, not impose sanctions” by signing it below.

The personal data such as your full name and your Email address are mandatory to sign the Open Letter. All other information collected is voluntary. Your signature will be verified via your Email address after klicking “sign”. This data will only be processed by employees of the ZBW and will not be passed to third parties without your consent. The data will be solely processed for purposes related to the publication of the Open Letter and will be stored as long as it is necessary for this purpose.

Below your personal data you can choose whether you like to sign the Open Letter publicly or anonymously. By choosing “publicly” your full name as well as affiliation and message (when filled in) will be published on this website.

You can revoke your consent via Email to open-botscience-retreat@filterzbw.scripteu at any time.

After sending this Email your name will be removed from the list immediately. Please note that your signature may have been read in the past. If you choose „anonymously“ your signature will only by counted and published anonymously.

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